You have utilized artificial intelligence (AI) if you used Google to search for “artificial intelligence” and landed on this page. If you have ever used Uber or had your phone correct a misspelled word, you have utilized AI. What exactly is artificial intelligence, which appears to be ubiquitous? How does it enhance the standard of living? Here are eight examples of artificial intelligence we utilize daily, despite AI having innumerable applications.
What is Artificial Intelligence?
Before we can assess how artificial intelligence affects our lives, it’s helpful to thoroughly understand the topic (and what it is not). According to the Oxford Dictionary, artificial intelligence is as follows:
Artificial intelligence allows a computer to grasp, analyze, and learn from data using specially built algorithms. This process has been automated. Artificially intelligent gadgets are capable of memorizing and adjusting to behavioral patterns and promoting behavioral changes. It is merely a summary; there is little question that says much more about artificial intelligence.
Machine learning (ML), deep learning, and natural language processing are the three most important components of artificial intelligence (AI) (NLP).
Using structured enormous data sets and constant human and algorithmic feedback, machines learn how to respond to circumstances more efficiently through machine learning.
Since deep learning learns through representation rather than structure, it is commonly considered a more advanced machine learning.
Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a linguistic technology utilized by computer science. It enables computers to read and comprehend human language. NLP enables computers to transform human language into computer inputs.
A Brief History of Artificial Intelligence
Here is a quick timeline detailing the evolution of artificial intelligence over the past six decades from its birth.
1956 – McCarthy hosted the first AI conference and coined “artificial intelligence.”
1969 – Shakey, the first multipurpose mobile robot, was constructed. Rather than simply obeying a list of directives, it may behave with intent.
1997 -The world chess champion was defeated in a match by the newly-created supercomputer “Deep Blue.” IBM’s creation of this massive computer was a noteworthy achievement.
2002 – Created the first commercially successful robotic vacuum cleaner in 2002.
2005 – 2019 – Speech recognition, robotic process automation (RPA), a dancing robot, and smart houses have become mainstream.
2020: During the early phases of the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) pandemic, Baidu provides the LinearFold AI algorithm to scientific, medical, and medical teams developing a vaccine. The program is 120 times faster than previous methods and can predict the RNA sequence of a virus in just 27 seconds.
How Does Artificial Intelligence Work?
AI systems are created by combining algorithms for large-scale, intelligent, iterative processing. This combination makes it possible for AI to now learn from the patterns and characteristics in the reviewed data. After each round of data processing, an artificial intelligence system checks and analyzes its performance and uses the results to gain new knowledge.
8 Examples of Artificial Intelligence
Each day, you meet eight instances of artificial intelligence described below.
1. Maps and Navigation
AI has significantly enhanced travel. Instead of paper maps or directions, you can now use Waze, Google, or Apple Maps on your mobile device and enter your destination.
How, then, does the application establish its destination? What’s more, the optimal route, traffic congestion, and roadblocks? Recently, the only accessible GPS technology was satellite-based; artificial intelligence is now included to provide users with a vastly superior experience.
Using machine learning, algorithms can recognize and grasp house and building numbers and the edges of the buildings they have learned, resulting in an enhanced map display. For the program to recommend a route that avoids traffic jams and roadblocks, it has also been taught to recognize and grasp fluctuations in traffic flow.
2. Facial Detection and Recognition
We now routinely employ artificial intelligence in the form of virtual filters on our faces when taking images and face IDs to unlock our mobile devices. Face detection allows any human face to be identified in the former. The latter uses face recognition to recognize a specific face. Government buildings and airports use facial recognition for security surveillance.
3. Text Editors or Autocorrect
Word processors, texting applications, and virtually all written materials use AI algorithms to detect and recommend language usage corrections. Linguists and computer scientists teach grammar to machines in the same way it taught you in school. Because the editor’s algorithms were trained using high-quality linguistic data, it will determine when a comma has been misused.
4. Search and Recommendation Algorithms
Have you ever noticed that when you want to watch a movie or shop online, the recommendations you receive typically correspond to your interests or previous searches? These intelligent recommendation systems have gradually grasped your behavior and preferences by tracking your online activity. The user initially submits the data, which is saved and analyzed using machine learning and deep learning. Then, it can often predict your tastes and suggest what you might want to purchase or listen to next.
5. Chatbots
Interactions with customer service can be time-consuming and aggravating for the customer. It is a costly, inefficient department that is tough for firms to manage. AI chatbots are an increasingly popular artificially intelligent solution. Thanks to algorithmic programming, machines can collect and track orders, answer frequently asked questions, and route phone calls.
Chatbots are programmed through natural language processing to emulate the conversational styles of customer care professionals (NLP). Modern chatbots no longer require precise input formats, such as yes/no questions. They can provide in-depth responses to complex questions. Suppose you score the response you received low. In that case, the bot will learn from its mistake and avoid them in the future, ensuring maximum customer satisfaction.
6. Digital Assistants
When busy, we request digital assistants to execute tasks on our behalf. You may ask your helper to call your mother while driving (don’t text and drive, kids). An example of a virtual assistant like Siri is artificial intelligence (AI) that analyzes your contacts, detects the word “Mom,” and dials the number. Using NLP, ML, statistical analysis, and algorithmic execution, these assistants determine what you are requesting and seek to obtain it on your behalf. Voice searches and image searches operate similarly.
7. Social Media
Social media sites employ AI to monitor content, promote connections, and send advertisements to specific users, among many other things, to keep you engaged and “plugged in.”
Using visual picture recognition and keyword analysis, AI algorithms can rapidly identify and eliminate problematic and infringing posts. Although neural network architecture is vital to this process, deep learning goes beyond it.
Since their users are their products, social media companies use AI to connect users with advertisers and marketers identifying their profiles as critical targets. Additionally, social media AI may identify the types of information that appeal to a user and promote it to them.
8. E-Payments
AI has contributed to the fact that you haven’t visited a bank branch in the past five years because going to the bank for every transaction is time-consuming. By optimizing payment procedures, banks are employing artificial intelligence to make customers’ lives easier.
Using AI for security, identity management, and privacy controls, sophisticated algorithms allow deposits, financial transfers, and account opening from anywhere.
By monitoring users’ credit card spending patterns, it is feasible to detect suspected instances of fraud. It is another example of artificial intelligence. The algorithms are aware of the types of items a user purchases and their frequency, location, and price range.
When an odd transaction does not match the user’s profile, the system may provide an alert or an authentication request.
Artificial intelligence as a Business Guide
Many companies are turning to artificial intelligence (AI) technology to lower their operational expenses, boost their productivity, grow their sales, and enhance their customer service.
Suppose a company wants to optimize its profits. In that case, it should consider integrating various cutting-edge technology, such as machine learning, natural language processing, and others, into its operations, goods, and services. However, even businesses that are just starting with AI can benefit greatly.
Whatever your motivation for investigating AI, it has the potential to transform the way your company runs. All that is required to get started is an open mind and a determination to embrace new chances wherever and whenever they present themselves.
However, remember that artificial intelligence is a very new field of study. As a result, it rapidly changes and may result in unanticipated difficulties. Investigate the drawbacks and risks of artificial intelligence in the workplace.
Why Consult Aruba an Expert in AI?
Aruba Networks, an artificial intelligence (AI) expert, offers Cloud Management Services, AI, and Intelligent, Aged Security Edge. Aruba tries to assist enterprises in integrating old and new technologies so that new solutions are both current and secure. Aruba’s software increases connectivity by reducing unnecessary traffic.
Final Takeaway
These instances of artificial intelligence demonstrate why the technology is so widely discussed and utilized. AI affects almost every aspect of our daily lives. We might get a fresh coffee recommendation if we use the mobile ordering option. You never know when a new Instagram video will appear when you’re eating lunch. You can find a new restaurant for dinner thanks to Google Maps. Although the list may go on forever, these 8 AI examples highlight what it is and how it is put to use.
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